Limitations For Lent

When 110% Isn't Possible

Lent is a time of reflection, specifically a time to examine our limitations, our brokenness, and our failings. Its purpose isn’t to create shame or drive us to depression, but to awaken us to reality, and to the all-encompassing good news of Easter and God’s good grace. An important thought to consider during Lent is […]

The Dangers of Going To Extremes

How We All Get Carried Away

“Extremism is a powerful alliance of fear and certitude; complexity and humility are its natural foes.”[i]   Girolamo Savonarola was a charismatic and engaging priest in the city of Florence during it’s Renaissance. His passionate preaching drew the attention and allegiance of countless in Florence and beyond. From his position of notoriety he spoke out […]

The Second Week of Advent

Making Peace In A Broken World

The second week of Advent offers a closer look at something everyone would say that they desire, peace. While most people claim a desire for peace in the world, it is something that seems to be growing increasingly rare over time. Countries are at war with neighboring countries. Companies battle for greater market share. Families […]

Free From Control

The Key to Healthy Relationships

    This has been for me, the summer of Frederick Buechner. I attended the Frederick Buechner Writer’s Workshop at Princeton Theological Seminary at the beginning of summer. It reintroduced to me the power of words, and was much needed food for my soul. Since that time, I have immersed myself again in Buechner’s writings. […]

All Or Nothing (Part 1)

Responsibility In A Broken World

Responsibility is a word that gets thrown around a lot these days. As we’ve witnessed the heartbreaking loss of innocent life in the United States and around the world in the past few weeks, we react in anger and grief, and ask, “Who’s responsible?”. It’s an honest question, because until you know who is responsible, […]

3 Things That Are Keeping You From Saying “No” (and what you can do about it)

One thing all people who are relationally healthy have in common is the ability to say “no”. Most people struggle with using “no” in a healthy way. Three of the primary reasons people avoid saying “no” are:             1)We don’t want to disappoint anyone                         I was once given the following piece of advice: If […]