Category Archives: doubt
Avoiding Election Stress (Part 2)
"For Thine is the kingdom..."

Kingdoms don’t last forever. Neither do empires. Or democracies. Or republics. Or monarchies. I love our country. I am patriotic. I love reading about our history, and embrace our great strengths, and acknowledge our weaknesses as well. As much as I love our nation, our well-being can never come from the status […]
Let Me Bring Peace
The Power of Proactivity
Last week was another amazing week at Mission Serve. Mission Serve is an organization that brings together student groups from multiple states to join together to impact people in need in various communities. Last week over 250 students and leaders gathered in Robbinsville, NC to help build handicap ramps, put new shingles on homes, and […]
When Doubt Makes You Stronger
Ivy Baker Priest served as the Treasurer of the United States under Dwight D. Eisenhower and as Treasurer for the state of California under Ronald Reagan. She was credited with saying, “I’m often wrong, but never in doubt”. It’s a funny comment, that I’ve heard others use, but it also has a ring of truth […]