Category Archives: Forgiveness
Seeking Answers and Finding Relationship
How God Exceeds Our Expectations

While studying at seminary, I attended a local church. I enrolled in an evangelism class they offered that would study a curriculum and then go door to door in surrounding neighborhoods. The thought of it terrified me. I am an introvert by nature, and the idea of going to a stranger’s home unannounced seemed incredibly […]
The Gift of a Good Apology
How To Strengthen Your Relationships When You're Wrong
I’m Sorry
I Was Wrong
Four Phrases Guaranteed To Improve Your Relationships

My wife and I are big fans of Louise Penny’s mystery novels that center around the small Canadian town of Three Pines. They are great reads, and I highly recommend them. The main character in the novels, Inspector Gamache tells those he trains that there are four phrases that will make them great detectives. They […]
Let Me Bring Peace
The Power of Proactivity
Last week was another amazing week at Mission Serve. Mission Serve is an organization that brings together student groups from multiple states to join together to impact people in need in various communities. Last week over 250 students and leaders gathered in Robbinsville, NC to help build handicap ramps, put new shingles on homes, and […]