Advent Reading 2018: Joy

George Frederick Handel is one of the most famous composers in history. His Messiah is played and performed in churches and auditoriums all across the world each Christmas. The USA Today once reported that 125 million people had heard Messiah the previous year. His composition has influenced other songs as well. One hundred years after his death, […]

Advent Reading 2018: Peace

St. Francis of Assisi penned his now famous prayer over 800 years ago. It is a serious request to ask to be made an instrument of peace. Francis was born into a wealthy family but left it all to follow God and serve the poor. Francis didn’t simply pray for peace, but to be a […]

Healthy Anger

Anger and Emotional Control

For many years anger has been the most socially acceptable emotion. In fact, a recent study has found that 94.3% of all social media posts are motivated by anger, the other 5.7% are puppies or someone’s latest meal. Ok, that’s not true. I made it up, but it feels true doesn’t it? Everybody seems angry […]

Thoughts on Eugene Peterson

A Blessing To All

“When we sin and mess up our lives, we find that God doesn’t go off and leave us- he enters into our trouble and saves us.”     -Eugene Peterson In an age where more and more Christians are choosing to define themselves by what they stand against, Eugene Peterson was a voice of sanity […]

Thoughts From The Edge Of A Hurricane

Life is different on the edge

No one was sure where exactly Hurricane Florence was going to do her damage, but all seemed sure it would be brutal. They were right. We prepared for the storm where we lived, but were only touched by the outer edges of the storm. Some trees down, scattered areas of lost power, some flooding. As […]

Lessons From Year Two

An Untrained Dad's Observations

My son Carter turns 2 today and it’s caused me to look back over the past two years and reflect on how things have changed in me and in my family. Here is what I’ve learned:   Colic is real. Carter wasn’t big on sleep for the first six months of his life and did […]

Challenges Facing The SBC

The Abuse of Power Doesn't Lead to the Kingdom of God

I’ve hesitated to write this post. I have wrestled for many days over these words because I do not want to join the masses who show up to throw rocks at anyone and everyone who stumbles. That being said, I believe that the years of the Conservative (Fundamentalist) takeover in the Southern Baptist Convention have […]

Creating Margin In Your Minutes

Making Time For What Matters Most

Everyone’s life is shaped by limitations. We all have them. The limitations that people most often blame for their struggles are in the areas of money and talent. “If only I had more money” or “I am just not as fast, smart, or artistic as they are”. These limitations are, however, areas that can be […]

Wisdom from a Trusted Friend

A Review of Dallas Willard's "Life Without Lack: Living in the Fullness of Psalm 23

“One of our greatest needs today is for people to really see and really believe the things they already profess to see and believe.” This brief quote sets the tone for Life Without Lack: Living in the Fullness of Psalm 23, a posthumous release of material from Dallas Willard. The book was gathered from a […]

Love Endures

Bearing With One Another

Love is a collection of traits that are developed over time and then exerted for the good of someone else. That’s why love isn’t easy. It takes time, and those who don’t invest time in growing as a person will often struggle to love others well over time. One of the traits that allows us […]