Thoughts For Advent 2017


The season of Advent and Christmas can be summed up in three words. They are to my mind the three most powerful words in the Bible, words that changed the entire course of history. These three words are the basis of any hope, joy, peace, or love we could ever experience. They are “God with […]

The 5 Books I’ve Most Enjoyed This Year

#5: Vanishing Grace by Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey’s eloquence and journalistic diligence combine to make him one of the most important voices in Christianity today. When a new book by Yancey appears, you know that you are going to be educated, entertained, and challenged. Vanishing Grace is about the life-giving powers of grace, and how it sadly seems to be disappearing […]

The 5 Books I’ve Most Enjoyed This Year

Honorable Mention

I’ve picked up a lot of good books by reading the recommendations of others. In order to pay that forward, here are the five books that I most enjoyed reading this year, along with a couple honorable mention selections. I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!   Honorable Mention:   Make Your […]

“Running To” or “Running Away”

The Way We Talk About God Matters

On a parking deck this week, I walked by this van:   I know that it’s impossible to judge a van by its cover, but I think we can consider its impact. I believe that the people driving this van sincerely want to do good. They hope that the writing on their windows will make […]

What I’m Reading (2017) (Number 8)

Vanishing Grace by Philip Yancey

Philip Yancey may be the most gifted writer in Christian literature today. His writing is well-informed, crisp and clean. So, when he tackles an issue like grace, you know it’s going to be done well. I wish this book could be required reading for all Christians. The timely message of grace and it’s place in […]

What I’m Reading (2017) (Number 8)

How To Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie

I avoided this book for a long time. I thought the title seemed a bit too shallow and maybe even manipulative. Yep, I literally judged the book by it’s cover. I’m really glad I gave it a chance. Written over 70 years ago, How To Win Friends And Influence People is a engaging book packed […]

Three Dangerous Assumptions

Just Because Everyone Looks OK Doesn't Mean They Are

You care about your relationships. We all do. In fact, when we lose someone in our inner relational circle, we are devastated. Even though they matter so much to us, it’s easy to forget to invest in our relationships. There are three assumptions that we have all made about our relationships that can lead to […]

What I’m Reading (2017) (Number 7)

The Poet's Corner

John Lithgow has collected a wonderful assortment of poems fit for a lover or poetry or someone just getting started. I listened to the audio version of this book and highly recommend it. Lithgow reads some poems and has gathered a wonderful group or actors and friends to read the others. It’s easy to forget […]

Odd Things Christians Say

There is power in the blood

There is power, power, wonder-working power In the blood of the Lamb There is power, power, wonder-working power In the precious blood of the Lamb.   This is not just an odd thing that Christians say, but an odd thing that Christians sing. The excerpt above is from the hymn “Power In The Blood”, written […]

Resisting What’s Best

What my 1 year old is teaching me about God

My baby is a bad sleeper. Well he does pretty well once he’s asleep I guess. He is just really bad at going to sleep. He hates it. He fights it. He twists his body this way and that. He grunts and makes any noise he can think of. He tenses his arms and legs […]