The Right Way To Be Wrong (Part 2)
Everybody fails, but some people seem to go on to achieve great things. As if the failure didn’t affect them at all, or maybe that it had somehow made them stronger. Others, seem to get flattened by their failures. They become more cautious and less confident as time goes on. They settle in for average, […]
Readings for Advent – Love
Christmas is a season of love. We love candy canes. We love Christmas lights strung around trees and across rooftops. We love the smell of freshly cut wreaths and the sound of children singing “Silent Night”. We love Peppermint Mochas with whipped cream and Hallmark movies with sappy endings. We love tearing open neatly wrapped […]
The Right Way To Be Wrong
Readings For Advent – Hope
How Your Family Can Avoid A Christmas Letdown
It’s the most wonderful time of year! Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas lights line the streets. There are baby Jesus’ in mangers all over the place. Peppermint Mochas flow like rivers. How could this not be a great time for families?! Every year, we head into the Christmas season with hopes of making it the […]
Thoughts On Peace
The Key To Motivation
20 Albums In 20 Weeks: Carrie and Lowell by Sufjan Stevens
What They Think Sufjan Stevens may be one of the most highly regarded artists you’ve never hear of. Website Best Albums Ever ranked him as the number 59 artist of all-time.1 He comes in behind Michael Jackson, The Rolling Stones, and Prince, but ahead of Stevie Wonder and Green Day. (Charged with a near impossible […]
How Having Faith While Remaining Realistic Can Save Your Relationships
One of the greatest leadership books on the market today is Jim Collins’ Good To Great. In the book Collins discusses a thought that he termed “The Stockdale Paradox”. The maxim was drawn from the life story of Admiral James Stockdale who was a prisoner of war in Vietnam. He endured severe torture and designed […]