Will Love Stop The Spread of Terrorism?

From her concert stage in Sweden last week, Madonna spoke words of love and hope in the aftermath of the nightmarish events in Paris. Yeah, Madonna.  Here’s a bit of what she said, “Only love will change the world, but it’s very hard to love unconditionally, and it’s very hard to love that which we […]

Lament: A Must-Read Guest Post By Josh Rouse

One of the best things you can do in life is to partner with people that are smarter than you. That’s what I’m doing today. Josh Rouse is part of the leadership team at Village Church in Hayesville, NC, and we are guest writing for each other’s blog today. If you haven’t been reading Josh’s […]

How To Avoid Damaging Others With The Bible

I know a great photographer. My family has used her on a couple of different occasions, and she is simply the best. Everyone who sees her pictures absolutely loves them.  I would recommend her highly and will use her for all of our photographic needs. How much sense would it make though if I asked […]

Fear Is Contagious: How To Avoid Being Infected

My mom used to love to watch Christian television. There was a channel devoted only to Christian programming, and when no one else was watching, that’s what the TV would be tuned to. I remember sitting down when one of the shows was on. I was too lazy to try to find the remote, so […]

20 Albums In 20 Weeks: Rodrigo y Gabriela

Next up in 20 Albums in 20 Weeks is Rodrigo y Gabriela’s self-titled album. It’s their third album, and my favorite of theirs. Rodrigo y Gabriela are a guitar duo playing rock, metal, and Nuevo flamenco. It’s hard to believe that the band’s amazing sound is coming from only two people. What They Think Rodrigo […]

What To Do When Someone You Love Doesn’t Love You Back

One of the most painful truths about love is that it doesn’t always flow both ways. Just because you love someone well doesn’t mean that they will love you back. Love is a choice, and like all choices it can be made well or poorly. Are your working hard to love someone who doesn’t seem […]

How Telling People How Wrong They Are Can Hide The Truth

Why do we so desperately want to tell people what they are doing wrong? It starts young. If you have brothers and sisters, you know what I’m talking about. One of the high points of the day for lots of children is catching their sister doing something she shouldn’t. He’ll tell her or mom or […]