If You Love Everyone Equally, You Love Everyone Poorly

If you love everyone equally, you love everyone poorly. I know it sounds ridiculous. I mean, didn’t Jesus say that we were to love everyone? Is it wrong to love some people and not love others? Yes, that is wrong. As Christians, we are called to love everyone. Personal hatred is not supposed to be […]

There Is No Need To Panic!

I’ve read a few nervous posts about a recent report that stated that the number of Christians in the United States was declining. My life as a Christian brings me a great deal of meaning and peace. So, while I want others to have the same peace that I enjoy, I’m not panicked about the […]

I Seriously Need Your Help (Musically Speaking)

I am a child of the iTunes generation. I have rarely purchased an entire album in the past 10 years. There have been some, but mostly I buy songs here and there, sampling music as I go. Not only do I rarely purchase an entire album, I rarely listen straight through to an entire album. […]

Tears For Enemies: The One Skill The Church Needs Most

“For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ.”                                      -Philippians 3:18 Churches that treat people like enemies are missing the point. Atheists are not our enemies. Homosexuals are not our enemies. Politicians are not our enemies, regardless of party. […]

How To Avoid Guilt Trips

Guilt trips are brutal. Especially if you have a sensitive heart that genuinely cares for others. Everyone hates to be wrong, and we really dislike feeling that we have failed or let someone down. Someone at work or in our family that is set on getting their way can use these things against us by […]