How To Survive When Life Is Breaking You Down

We’ve all been there. Maybe someone close to you died. Maybe the checks coming in don’t equal the bills going out. We’ve been betrayed, heartbroken, sick, and frail, and odds are, we’ll be there again. Life on this planet can be difficult, and sometimes we feel broken beyond repair.  In those dark places, where we […]

3 Healthy Ways To Handle Criticism

Few things have the power to crush your confidence any more than receiving harsh criticism. We live in a time in which social media has made it easy to criticize others, oftentimes anonymously. News and talk shows live off of criticism, some valid and some less so. While criticism can be very painful, it’s a […]

A Book You Must Own At The Best Price Ever

When I stumble upon a book that has been valuable in my life at a good deal, I like to pass it on. A.W. Pink’s The Attributes of God has encouraged and challenged me since I was given a copy back in college. It’s a relatively short book that works through various attributes of God. […]

What The Bachelor Teaches Us About Us (And It’s Not Bad)

After 19 seasons, The Bachelor is still one of the most popular shows on tv. While I’m sure that our fascination with the show says some less than flattering things about us, it also reveals some very good things about those who keep tuning in week after week. One thing in particular stands out as […]

The One Thing That All Smart People Know

The most brilliant people on the planet all share one piece of knowledge. They all know something that adds to their greatness and allows them to achieve remarkable things. What is that one thing they know? They know that they don’t know everything and thus greatness never occurs in isolation. To put it another way, […]

How To Take Care of Your Most Valuable Asset

I enjoy cooking and playing around in the kitchen. We have a new knife in our home (a very generous wedding gift), and I adore it. It is balanced and razor sharp. I am constantly looking for things to chop, dice, or julienne. Most people think that the sharper a knife is, the more dangerous […]

How To “Really” Love The People You Love

I fit perfectly with the stereotype of a young man born and raised in the south: I loved my mama. My mom was incredible. She was sacrificial and loving in ways I only hope someday to be. When my mom was hit by a recurrence of cancer I made the 6 hour trip to see […]

Why Leaders Fail: And Two Things You Can Do To Avoid It

A article found that nearly 40% of the highest paid CEO’s in America had faced action due to poor performance in the past 20 years. These leaders were the best and the brightest, and were paid incredible amounts of money to bring success to their companies. This trend doesn’t only exist only in the […]