An Open Letter To The Church In 2015: Be Known For Your Love

Dear Church, I know that you are frustrated with being known for things that don’t accurately reflect who you are (You are not responsible for the crusades or for those who foolishly protest at funerals). You can’t always control what people think of you.  You can control your actions and the decisions you make, so […]

How To Communicate Well: The Often Ignored Art of “When”

I’ve logged countless hours as a counselor and have partnered with many couples who were seeking to save their marriage, or simply improve the condition of their relationship. One complaint that almost each couple has had over the years, is that they didn’t feel that they were able to communicate with each other as well […]

How To Keep That Really Bad Relationship From Destroying You

We’ve all had them. Some have done more damage than others, but all bad relationships leave their mark. I recently heard someone talk about how a relationship that had just ended “had destroyed them”.  It’s a common comment, and one that many of us have felt to be true. While we are never the same […]

3 Reasons You Are Not Achieving The Goals That You Set For Yourself (And What You Can Do About It!)

You’re being too general. It’s sounds great to have “be a better Dad” as a goal, but what does that actually mean? The more specific your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it. It’s discouraging to work hard on a goal, and then  not be able to see if you are succeeding because […]

3 Ways To Calm The Anxiety That Is Making You Miserable

Life is unpredictable and uncontrollable. Everyone would admit that to be true, and almost everyone hates it. Anxiety is what we feel when the uncertainty of life becomes overwhelming. Our minds frantically bounce from one thought to the next trying to fix, repair, predict, prepare, relate, or overcome. As our inability to control everything becomes […]

“Becoming” Isn’t Easy: Three Keys To Becoming The Person You’ve Always Wanted To Be

Early in Michelangelo’s career, before the Sistine Chapel, he was commissioned to sculpt more than 40 figures for what would have been the most magnificent tomb of its time. Money for the project dried up, however, and it was pushed to the side and never completed. The result is a collection of statues that line […]

My Favorite Reads From 2014

I love books, and I love reading posts about books. I have stumbled upon some amazing works by amazing authors by reading blog recommendations from others. It struck me that taking advantage of this great benefit without offering up my own thoughts was a bit selfish, so this is my attempt to share recommendations on […]