The 10 Movies You Absolutely Can Not Miss From 2014!!!!!
Ferguson, New York City, and Justice
One of the most hated words in civilization today is injustice, and rightfully so. When this nation’s founding fathers declared that this should be a nation of “liberty and justice for all”, they weren’t just tossing out random ideals that seemed good for our nation to have. They were tapping in to the very fabric […]
How To Have Hope When Everything Around You Seems Dark….
They are showing Christmas movies on Hallmark Channel. Gingerbread Latte’s are now available for your consumption. And, I swear I heard Jingle Bells while in a store the other day. It can only mean one thing…. Christmas is officially upon us. I love Christmas, and odds are you do too. I love almost everything about […]
Being Defined By The Things You Hate (aka: How To Live A Miserable Life)
It’s election season, and we are snowed under with emails, mailers, tv and radio ads all trying to sway you to their candidate. Despite the avalanche of information, it’s getting harder and harder each year to get a clear picture of what each candidate stands for. It seems they are less interested in convincing to […]
Why Empathy And Not Answers Will Improve Your Relationships
We’ve all had those moments. Someone comes up to you with all sorts of pain or confusion in their life and they want to tell you their story. On our best days, we listen attentively, make good eye contact, and stay connected as they talk. After listening, we weigh in. We might share our experiences […]
Change Isn’t Easy But It Doesn’t Have To Be Impossible: 3 Ways To Make The Changes You Want To Make
Your Limitations Are Tearing You Down But They Don’t Have To!
Tony here: Halloween Movies It’s that time of year again. Time to get your wits scared out of you by some fright filled film. Five years ago, Michael and I began our annual October Horror Movie Festival. We would find 2 or 3 relatively obscure horror movies and watch them. The results have been somewhat […]