Spanking vs. Time-Out: Parenting in 2014

Everybody’s parents disciplined them in some way or another, and as they look back now, they either hate the way their parents did it or they love it. Their approach to parenting is most likely based on what they experienced growing up. Therefore, nobody is neutral when it comes to how to discipline children. The […]

True Guilt vs. False Guilt (And Why The Difference May Be Wrecking Your Life)

True guilt can be an incredibly healthy thing. Feelings of guilt allow me to look honestly at myself and my actions. This enables me to address what I’ve done wrong, and if needed,  I can confess and seek forgiveness. Once the guilt has been addressed, the feelings will begin to dissipate over time. Honest feelings […]

Friday Finds – September 12

This week’s Finds are all in video form! It’s been a long week, kick off your shoes, curl up with your laptop and be inspired by some truly amazing leaders! N.T. Wright should be mandatory reading for all Christians. He is intelligent, compassionate, and is able to write and speak in ways that are guaranteed […]

Honest But Uncomfortable Definitions: Mercy

Mercy: 1-Something everyone loves to receive, but few people enjoy giving.  2- Refusing to take enjoyment out of the mistakes others make and the punishment they receive. Imagine for a moment that a news van on the way to cover a story happened upon an act of heroism. Let’s say that they catch on film a […]

Wounds Don’t Just Heal Themselves!

I grew up with two incredibly resilient parents. Both grew up deep in the mountains of western North Carolina. Both came from large families (13 siblings for my mom, 9 for my dad). Both grew up in poverty. Both suffered great loss, and both endured and created a good life for themselves. I don’t ever […]

Honest But Uncomfortable Definitions: Meekness

Meekness:   Strength restrained. People who possess this character attribute are committed to gentleness and quietness. As opposed to those who are loud, showy, and arrogant whose only strength is often in their loud words, the meek possess a strength that is much deeper and is often expressed in sacrificial love for other people. Most […]

The Right Way To Be Wrong

There are only a small number of things that are guaranteed in life. Death and taxes are two things that most people mention that can’t be avoided. One other to add to the list is failing. You will fail in your life. You will shoot and miss, apply and get rejected, and take risks that […]

Honest But Uncomfortable Definitions: Arrogance

Arrogance: A trait exhibited by those who doubt their own intelligence. It is often manifested by the person incessantly telling you about the depths and uniqueness of their intelligence. People who are arrogant may or may not actually be intelligent (although, people who know they are intelligent most often don’t feel the need to try […]

Tony’s Emmy Predictions

Posted by Tony The Emmys The Emmys are tonight and I have several favorites that I hope get rewarded for terrific seasons. As I have noted before, I think the present group of dramas on TV are as good as has ever been.  Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Game of Thrones, House of Cards, Downton Abbey […]

Want Better Relationships? Tell Better Stories!

I grew up in a tiny town nestled in the heart of western North Carolina (see above). My hometown had one post office, one gas station, and zero traffic lights, what it did have, however, was really great stories. There really wasn’t much to do in our town when I was young. Entertainment on the […]