Best Ever: Chocolate

Almost everyone enjoys chocolate (Everyone except the spies that the aliens sent here to find out our secret weaknesses so as to prepare our planet for destruction). If you are looking for the best place on our planet for chocolate, look no further than the French Broad Chocolate Lounge. Asheville, NC is busting at the […]

How To Find Peaceful Sleep

Few things are more important to your overall well-being than sleep. Sleep impacts you physically, mentally, and emotionally. In fact, if you review your past a bit, chances are you’ll find that a great number of the bad decisions you’ve made in the past came either late at night, or after a lack of quality […]

How To Keep Your Memories From Making Your Miserable

Happy Memorial Day! For most of us Memorial Day means two wonderful words: MONDAY OFF! For others it’s a day to gather folks around and fire up the grill. For still others it’s your chance to torture your family by watching every war movie in the history of film. (I enjoy all three actually). At […]

How Your Anger Can Change The World

We’ve all been there. You are driving along minding your own business when a car, that has decided to wait until you are 20 yards away, pulls out into the road in front of you. The next thing you know, you are driving 15 mph behind a car for 7 miles with no place to […]

Friday Finds- May 16

Looking for a parenting plan that works every time? Good luck with that! This is a post every parent should read, print out, and re-read every month or so. Many thanks to Addie Zierman for a healthy dose of hope and realism. Addie Zierman on parenting If you love coffee and hate liver disease, this […]

Why People Aren’t Listening To You (and what you can do about it)

People aren’t listening to you. …and it’s making you crazy! Nothing is as frustrating as feeling that our words aren’t connecting with the people that we are sharing them with. Everyone wants to be heard, whether it’s a big thought or just a random conversation. Many times, however, the people you are trying to communicate […]

3 Ways To Crush Your Fear of the Unknown

Few things can derail our lives as quickly as fear of the unknown. Alfred Hitchcock made his living off of this type of fear. In Hitchcock’s movies, the villain or imminent danger is always off the screen where we can’t actually see it for as long as possible. That gives our imaginations time think of […]

Friday Finds- May 9

Woo-Hoo!!!! It’s Friday! Time to find something worth your time on the internet…. Just in time for Mother’s Day! Kevin Durant’s MVP acceptance speech was both humble and inspiring. The last two minutes were dedicated to his mom, who received a standing ovation after the talk. Kevin Durant Accepts MVP Award Travis Reed, over at […]

Truly Great Pizza

It’s been a while since I’ve had a food post on the blog, but this pizza has inspired me…. Pizza can be a tricky food. Most people eat pizza on a pretty regular basis, but finding really good pizza can be a challenge. When you do find truly good pizza, however, you realize that it […]

Sharpening The Saw

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I’ll spend the first four sharpening the ax.”                                                            -Abraham Lincoln Leadership and management expert, Stephen Covey […]