Healthy Anger
Anger and Emotional Control

For many years anger has been the most socially acceptable emotion. In fact, a recent study has found that 94.3% of all social media posts are motivated by anger, the other 5.7% are puppies or someone’s latest meal. Ok, that’s not true. I made it up, but it feels true doesn’t it? Everybody seems angry […]
Controlled But Not Ignored
Making the Most of our Emotions
Thoughts on Eugene Peterson
A Blessing To All
Changing Direction Isn’t Always The Answer
The Case For Endurance
How To Get Someone Else To Buy A Jet For You
Why Christians Fund The Prosperity Gospel

The final post in this series focuses on the question of how ministers are able to get their congregations and people watching on TV to give enough money to buy jets and million-dollar homes for the minister. To understand the answer to that question, we have to understand a shift that has happened in many […]
You Can’t Always Get What You Want
(Why That's A Good Thing)

I ended my last post with a question. How are so many Christian leaders able to get people to place their hopes on things that God has never directly promised them? Prosperity ministers are able to convince us that God has promised us things that He hasn’t promised by preying on our normal desires. Of […]
The Difference Between Faith and Hope
How A Small Lie Leads To Big Heartache

Many people have now heard the story of a prominent minister telling his congregation that God wanted him to “bleed him for a Falcon 7X”, an expensive private jet. The rationale for this request and others like it was that God wants us to succeed, that there are amazing things available just for the asking. […]
Thoughts From The Edge Of A Hurricane
Life is different on the edge

No one was sure where exactly Hurricane Florence was going to do her damage, but all seemed sure it would be brutal. They were right. We prepared for the storm where we lived, but were only touched by the outer edges of the storm. Some trees down, scattered areas of lost power, some flooding. As […]