How Your Family Can Avoid A Christmas Letdown

It’s the most wonderful time of year!  Christmas is rapidly approaching. Christmas lights line the streets.  There are baby Jesus’ in mangers all over the place. Peppermint Mochas flow like rivers. How could this not be a great time for families?! Every year, we head into the Christmas season with hopes of making it the […]

Are Good Activities Damaging Your Family?

Great families don’t just happen. They require thought and effort. The same is true of any grouping of people. You can have great athletes and not have a great team. Companies can hire the best and the brightest and still go bankrupt. Families can be composed of great fathers, mothers, and children and still not […]

3 Ways To Have Healthy Debates (Without Being A Politician)

Depending on when you are reading this post, either the Republican primary debate is about to happen or has just happened. It’s been all over the news, possibly because there’s not a ton of other news, or maybe because there are 72 candidates. For all of their hype, political debates rarely deliver what they promise. […]

3 Times That Saying Yes Will Damage Your Family

We live in a world of yes. We have more options and more freedom than at any time in the history of the world. Thanks to the ease and relatively low cost of travel as well as the all encompassing reach of the internet, we can have experiences that would have seemed impossible for our […]