Like Kale For The Soul

Kale has been cultivated for over 2000 years, but only recently has it become the Beatles of healthy food. Sales of Kale seeds have risen 20-30%  over the past year. There are even “Eat  More Kale” bumper stickers on the roads, and as you well know, bumper stickers never lie. So, why the sudden fascination […]

Friday Finds – June 13

In hopes of making your Friday the 13th better, here’s some stuff you might like to check out….. This is a pic of an ultimate frisbee game I was in last summer. I don’t know why I added this, but here it is…. (and yes, of course we won.) Did you know that there are […]

Best Ever: Chocolate

Almost everyone enjoys chocolate (Everyone except the spies that the aliens sent here to find out our secret weaknesses so as to prepare our planet for destruction). If you are looking for the best place on our planet for chocolate, look no further than the French Broad Chocolate Lounge. Asheville, NC is busting at the […]

Friday Finds- May 16

Looking for a parenting plan that works every time? Good luck with that! This is a post every parent should read, print out, and re-read every month or so. Many thanks to Addie Zierman for a healthy dose of hope and realism. Addie Zierman on parenting If you love coffee and hate liver disease, this […]

Truly Great Pizza

It’s been a while since I’ve had a food post on the blog, but this pizza has inspired me…. Pizza can be a tricky food. Most people eat pizza on a pretty regular basis, but finding really good pizza can be a challenge. When you do find truly good pizza, however, you realize that it […]