Odd Things Christians Say

There is power in the blood

There is power, power, wonder-working power In the blood of the Lamb There is power, power, wonder-working power In the precious blood of the Lamb.   This is not just an odd thing that Christians say, but an odd thing that Christians sing. The excerpt above is from the hymn “Power In The Blood”, written […]

Odd Things Christians Say

A Hedge of Protection

Another unusual saying that you will hear in Christian circles often comes up in prayers. Such as, “Dear God, please place a hedge of protection around Joe and his family during this difficult time…”. A hedge of protection. What does that mean? And, where did we get that from?   Background: The most likely place […]

Odd Things Christians Say

"I'm Blessed"

One of the classic Christian go-to phrases is the ever-popular “I’m blessed”. I guess it is used to make sure that we squeeze God into the equation whenever someone asks us how we are doing. I’m not “good”, I’m blessed! It’s a way of insinuating that God had something to do with our good fortune, […]

Odd Things Christians Say

"God said it, I believe it, and that settles it"

Christians say some odd things. It’s ok, most subcultures do. It’s important however to stop every so often and examine the words we use and the impact they have with people who don’t have a history in the church or in Christianity. One phrase that comes up at times as a way to stop conversations […]

Odd Things Christians Say

"Eternal Life"

If you are around a church for long, you will hear someone talk about eternal life. If you are new to church this might bring to mind Ponce de Leon and his search for the fountain of youth. History is filled with people fighting to extend the length of their lives. Advances in medicine and […]