3 Reasons You Are Not Achieving The Goals That You Set For Yourself (And What You Can Do About It!)

You’re being too general. It’s sounds great to have “be a better Dad” as a goal, but what does that actually mean? The more specific your goal, the more likely you are to achieve it. It’s discouraging to work hard on a goal, and then  not be able to see if you are succeeding because […]

Why Can’t I Get This Right?!: How To Break Free From Your Past

I think I have found the least likely verse in the entire Bible to be put on a t-shirt:                 “Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly.”                                                 -Proverbs 26:11 Go ahead and cross-stitch that on a pillow for the living room. I guarantee it will be […]

Friday Finds – September 12

This week’s Finds are all in video form! It’s been a long week, kick off your shoes, curl up with your laptop and be inspired by some truly amazing leaders! N.T. Wright should be mandatory reading for all Christians. He is intelligent, compassionate, and is able to write and speak in ways that are guaranteed […]

Wounds Don’t Just Heal Themselves!

I grew up with two incredibly resilient parents. Both grew up deep in the mountains of western North Carolina. Both came from large families (13 siblings for my mom, 9 for my dad). Both grew up in poverty. Both suffered great loss, and both endured and created a good life for themselves. I don’t ever […]

The Right Way To Be Wrong

There are only a small number of things that are guaranteed in life. Death and taxes are two things that most people mention that can’t be avoided. One other to add to the list is failing. You will fail in your life. You will shoot and miss, apply and get rejected, and take risks that […]


Today someone is sitting in a sterile doctor’s office on a paper-covered bench, hearing for the first time that cancer has begun to attack their body Today someone is hearing their child say her first word Today someone is filing for divorce Today someone is burying their father Today someone is moving into their college […]

Sharpening The Saw

“Give me six hours to chop down a tree, and I’ll spend the first four sharpening the ax.”                                                            -Abraham Lincoln Leadership and management expert, Stephen Covey […]