Odd Things Christians Say

"Eternal Life"

If you are around a church for long, you will hear someone talk about eternal life. If you are new to church this might bring to mind Ponce de Leon and his search for the fountain of youth. History is filled with people fighting to extend the length of their lives. Advances in medicine and […]

Tears For Enemies: The One Skill The Church Needs Most

“For many, of whom I have often told you and now tell you even with tears, walk as enemies of the cross of Christ.”                                      -Philippians 3:18 Churches that treat people like enemies are missing the point. Atheists are not our enemies. Homosexuals are not our enemies. Politicians are not our enemies, regardless of party. […]

Why God’s Love Matters More Than You Think

We’ve all been told at some point or another that God loves us. We’ve been told in sermons, at conferences, and in songs. It’s a great message, but like most great messages, when you hear it often, it begins to lose it’s meaning. Why is God’s love such a big deal, I mean He loves […]

Why Knowing God Is Better Than Knowing About God

Easter is a reminder that we were created to know God, not just know about God. Those words are painful for me, because I love to know about stuff. I love attending interesting conferences, listening to new podcasts, and reading good books. I love learning. Every year I try to include some biographies in my […]

Why So Many People “Get Saved” And Then Get Gone

The task of speaking about God and His plans for the world has always been a daunting one. As humans, we are not perfect and we do not know everything, yet we must do the best we can to talk about this most important idea. As Christians, the story about God and how it relates […]

How To Have Peace In An Unpredictable World

Everything changes. Our bodies change. Our jobs change. Our friends change. People around us are constantly changing.  Foods that we used to hate as kids, we love now. Our streets look different. Or, how about this gross fact: every 27 days you shed all of your skin and have entirely new skin. Nothing stays the […]