Friday Finds – April 11 (One Day Late!)

Posted by Michael

Ok, it’s a day late, but here is some worthwhile reading from around the web….

Pete Greig and the team at 24-7 Prayer do an amazing job of examining and explaining the spiritual life. They have a current podcast series that includes a short video each day leading up to Easter. The series is called Anagnorisis (referring to the moment in a story when a character finds out something crucial about themselves), and is available here:
Many thanks to Mindi for alerting me to this incredible article in the New York Times. The power of forgiveness is overwhelming.  This forgiveness story picks up in the remnants of the nightmarish genocide in Rwanda. Very simply, forgiveness wins.
And in case you are feeling down this weekend, and just need a bit of inspiration, here’s a clip of a two-legged dog who refuses to allow his limitations to spoil his fun at the beach, courtesy of
Photo courtesy of the above article from