Friday Finds – May 2

In case the blue skies don’t make it back this weekend, and you are looking for something worthwhile on the internet,  here are a few of things that interest me (and maybe you), collected in one handy place for your viewing/reading pleasure. Enjoy!
A timely reminder of the beauty of simplicity by Tsh Oxenreider:
Check in with Seth Godin (author of Linchpin and Tribes, among many others) as he explores what it means to get rich in our changing culture:
Also, if you need to have your spirits lifted a bit, here is a video of a hamster eating burritos. I think it’s hypnotic because I can’t stop watching it…
And finally, just in case you’ve been staying up late in the hopes of getting a bit more done, here’s an article that states that you might be paying a bigger price for that extra bit than you realized….
Have a great weekend!!!!!