Friday Finds – August 1

In his letter to early Jewish followers of Jesus, Paul encouraged the people to remember other followers who were suffering as a result of their faith. (Hebrews 13:3) The following article and many others on the web concerning the suffering of Christians in Iraq reminds us that Paul’s words are as applicable today as they were 2000 years ago. I encourage you to pray for our brothers and sisters around the world who are suffering as you read this…..
If you haven’t been spending hours watching various Ted Talks, then I apologize for introducing you to what will no doubt become a new addiction for you. If you are in need of a bit of inspiration this weekend, watch Benjamin Zander’s (pictured above) wonderful talk about his passion for classical music.
You may not be up to date on all of the conversations flying around the Christian blog community about Mark Driscoll as of late. I have thoughts about Driscoll and all that is going on, but this is not the time, nor is this blog the space for it. You don’t have to know anything about Driscoll, however to appreciate Matthew Paul Turner’s timely reminder about the true nature of grace. Read and then re-read Turner’s post!
I am so proud of this new blogger! I was proud of her when she was a student in a youth group I worked with, and she continues to amaze! Follow DeAnna and Jonathan’s journey into adoption here:
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