I Need Help

Four Phrases Guaranteed To Improve Your Relationships (Part 4)

  This is the final post in a series about small phrases that can make a big difference in your relationships. The last phrase may be the most difficult, and it is definitely the one that is used the least.  These three words can make a huge difference for you at home, work, and with […]

I Don’t Know

Four Phrases Guaranteed To Improve Your Relationships (Part 3)

As we continue our series of small phrases that pack amazing relational power, we look at a third simple statement, “I don’t know”. There are few things that feel more like failure than having to admit that we don’t know the answer or what to do next. So, most of us never admit it. We […]

I Was Wrong

Four Phrases Guaranteed To Improve Your Relationships

My wife and I are big fans of Louise Penny’s mystery novels that center around the small Canadian town of Three Pines. They are great reads, and I highly recommend them. The main character in the novels, Inspector Gamache tells those he trains that there are four phrases that will make them great detectives. They […]

Losing Control and Gaining Life

What Childbirth Teaches Us About God

In his account of the life of Jesus, John includes a late night meeting between Jesus and a prominent religious leader. It appears that the leader was afraid of being seen with Jesus in public. At the same time, he couldn’t stop thinking about the teaching he had heard from Jesus, and wanted to know […]

How Healthy Is This Relationship?

The Importance of Meaningful Conversations

Everyone knows how important relationships are to a healthy life. One thing we don’t always know is how to evaluate the relationships we are currently in. Understanding the status of our relationships is the first step to growing in our relationships. In other words, if you don’t know how you are doing, it’s nearly impossible […]

An Owner’s Mindset

How To Improve Any Group You Are A Part Of

There’s lots of talk in churches and other organizations about developing an “ownership” mindset when it comes to their group. The thought is that the group would run better if members took pride in the organization the way an owner would. For instance, many people spend lots of time deciding which shrubs and flowers to […]

This trust enables a relationship to be free. It means we do not have to control the other person, to follow their every step lest they escape our grip. Love trusts, it sets free, it does not try to control, possess and dominate everything.

Pope Francis
Amoris Laetitia 115

Believing The Best

The Forgotten Art of The Benefit of the Doubt

Social media can be a dangerous place. More than ever there are people lurking out there, phone in hand, ready to pounce on the first thing someone says that appears to be incorrect, intolerant, or unfeeling. It’s as if we have created a culture of people who derive joy and meaning out of correcting others, […]

How To Begin

Where To Start When Repairing Relationships

Since there are no perfect people, there are no perfect relationships. We’ve all  had our hearts broken and we’ve all been let down. We’ve hurt others and been hurt ourselves. When our relationships become strained to the breaking point, it can be difficult to know how to begin to repair the damage that has been […]